import requests as request from retroachievements import __version__ _BASE_URL = "" class RAClient: """ Main class for accessing the RetroAhievements Web API """ headers = { "User-Agent": "RetroAchievements-api-python/" + __version__} def __init__(self, username, api_key): self.username = username self.api_key = api_key def url_params(self, params=None): """ Inserts the auth and query params into the request """ if params is None: params = {} params.update({"z": self.username, "y": self.api_key}) return params # URL construction def _call_api(self, endpoint=None, params=None, timeout=30, headers=None): if endpoint is None: endpoint = {} req = request.get( f"{_BASE_URL}{endpoint}", params=self.url_params(params), timeout=timeout, headers=headers, ) return req # User endpoints def get_user_points(self, user: str) -> dict: """ Get a user's total hardcore and softcore points Params: u: Username to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetUserPoints.php?", {"u": user}).json() return result def get_user_summary(self, user: str, recent_games=0, recent_cheevos=10) -> dict: """ Get a user's exhaustive profile metadata Params: u: Username to query g: Number of recent games to fetch, default = 0 a: Number of recent achievements to fetch, default = 10 """ result = self._call_api( "API_GetUserSummary.php?", {"u": user, "g": recent_games, "a": recent_cheevos}, ).json() return result def get_recent_achievements(self, user: str) -> dict: """ Get a user's most recent achievement within the last hour Params: u: Username to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetUserRecentAchievements.php?", {"u": user}).json() return result def get_game_progress(self, user: str, game: int) -> dict: """ Get a users recent game info and progress Params: g: Game ID u: Username to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetGameInfoAndUserProgress.php?", {"g": game, "u": user}).json() return result def get_achievements_on_day(self, user: str, date: int) -> dict: """ Get a user's cheevos from a specific date Params: u: Username to query d: Date to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetAchievementsEarnedOnDay.php?", {"u": user, "d": date}).json() return result def get_achievements_range(self, user: str, f: int, t: int) -> dict: """ Get a user's cheevos from a specific date Params: u: Username to query f: From date to query (must be in epoch timestamp format) t: To date to query (must be in epoch timestamp format) """ result = self._call_api("API_GetAchievementsEarnedOnDay.php?", {"u": user, "f": f, "t": t }).json() return result def get_all_completion_progress(self, user: str) -> dict: """ Get a user's info and progress on all games Params: u: Username to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetUserCompletionProgress.php?", {"u": user}).json() return result def get_awards_badges(self, user: str) -> list: """ Get a user's awards and badges on RA Params: u: Username to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetUserAwards.php?", {"u": user}).json() return result # Game endpoints def get_game(self, game: int) -> dict: """ Get basic metadata about a game Params: i: The game ID to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetGame.php?", {"i": game}).json() return result def get_game_extended(self, game: int) -> dict: """ Get extended metadata about a game Params: i: The game ID to query """ result = self._call_api("API_GetGameExtended.php?", {"i": game}).json() return result def get_achievement_count(self, game: int) -> dict: """ Get the list of achievement ID's for a game Params: i: The game ID to query """ result = self._call_api( "API_GetAchievementCount.php?", {"i": game}).json() return result def get_achievement_distribution(self, game: int) -> dict: """ Get how many players have unlocked how many achievements for a game Params: i: The game ID to query """ result = self._call_api( "API_GetAchievementDistribution.php?", {"i": game} ).json() return result # System Endpoints def get_console_ids(self) -> list: """ Get the complete list of console ID and name pairs on the site Params: None """ result = self._call_api("API_GetConsoleIDs.php?", {}).json() return result def get_game_list(self, system: int, has_cheevos=0, hashes=0) -> dict: """ Get the complete list of games for a console Params: i: The system ID to query f: If 1, only returns games that have achievements (default = 0) h: If 1, also return the supported hashes for games (default = 0) """ result = self._call_api( "API_GetGameList.php?", { "i": system, "f": has_cheevos, "h": hashes} ).json() return result