# doom-docker Docker image built at SuperComputing 2023 in Denver, CO for a Docker Tutorial Class for utilizing containers for HPC and specific use cases. ## So, you reinvented the wheel? Well... yeah kinda. ![But why?](https://media.tenor.com/jGgmfDOxmuMAAAAC/ryan-reynolds-but-why.gif) Because, I love boomer shooters (specifically Doom2, Doom64, and Duke Nukem 3D) and wanted to use an actual use case that I would like to use myself in my tutorial class. As I built this, I realized there was a plethora of other awesome projects with very similar setups, but meh, why not one more? #### List of Other Projects similar to this one * [frozenfoxx/docker-zandronum-server](https://github.com/frozenfoxx/docker-zandronum-server) * [rcdailey/zandronum-server](https://github.com/rcdailey/zandronum-server) * [mccarrmb/docker-doom](https://github.com/mccarrmb/docker-doom) ## What's different about yours? This container is built on Debian Bookworm Slim instead of the spyware known as Ubuntu. Even though they abandoned the idea years ago, [people don't forget](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks). If you are able to, move your containers to Debian. ## How to build this image locally ``` git clone https://github.com/cfultz/doom-docker cd doom-docker docker build -t cfultz/doom-docker:latest . ``` ## What's included? Freedoom and the shareware version of DOOM (1993). These are legal to share so that's why they are here. If you want to change/add WADS, place them in the ``/IWAD/`` directory, and use an environmental variable to select your prefered IWAD and starting map. You can also add a custom WAD