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import csv
import os
import requests
# Function to append a card entry to the CSV file
def add_card_to_csv(csv_path, card_name, set_code, collector_number, quantity, foil):
file_exists = os.path.isfile(csv_path)
with open(csv_path, mode='a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
# Write header if the file doesn't exist
if not file_exists:
writer.writerow(['Card Name', 'Set Code', 'Collector Number', 'Quantity', 'Foil'])
# Append the card data
writer.writerow([card_name, set_code, collector_number, quantity, foil])
print(f"Added {quantity}x {card_name} from set {set_code} with collector number {collector_number} (Foil: {foil}) to {csv_path}.")
# Function to download the full card image
def download_full_card_image(set_code, collector_number, card_name, foil):
url = f"{set_code}/{collector_number}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
card_data = response.json()
# Determine the image URL (normal)
image_url = card_data['image_uris']['normal'] if 'image_uris' in card_data else None
if not image_url and 'card_faces' in card_data: # Check for double-sided cards
image_url = card_data['card_faces'][0]['image_uris']['normal']
if image_url:
# Create the full_card directory if it doesn't exist
directory = 'full_card'
if not os.path.exists(directory):
# Create a filename for the image
foil_text = "_foil" if foil else ""
file_name = f"{card_name.replace('/', '-').replace(':', '').replace(' ', '_')}_{set_code}_{collector_number}{foil_text}.jpg"
file_path = os.path.join(directory, file_name)
# Download and save the image
image_response = requests.get(image_url)
with open(file_path, 'wb') as file:
print(f"Downloaded full card image for {card_name} (Set: {set_code}, Collector Number: {collector_number}, Foil: {foil})")
print(f"No full card image found for {card_name} (Set: {set_code}, Collector Number: {collector_number})")
print(f"Failed to fetch data for {card_name} (Set: {set_code}, Collector Number: {collector_number}) from Scryfall.")
# Function to sort the CSV file by Set Code and Collector Number
def sort_csv_file(csv_path):
with open(csv_path, mode='r') as file:
reader = csv.reader(file)
header = next(reader) # Read the header
sorted_rows = sorted(reader, key=lambda row: (row[1], int(row[2]))) # Sort by Set Code (row[1]) and Collector Number (row[2]))
# Write the sorted data back to the CSV
with open(csv_path, mode='w', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow(header) # Write the header back
writer.writerows(sorted_rows) # Write the sorted rows
print(f"CSV file sorted by Set Code and Collector Number.")
# Function to get user input and add multiple cards interactively
def interactive_card_entry(csv_path):
while True:
# Get the card details from the user
card_name = input("Enter the card name (or type 'exit' to quit): ").strip()
if card_name.lower() == 'exit':
print("Exiting the program.")
set_code = input("Enter the set code: ").strip()
collector_number = input("Enter the collector number: ").strip()
quantity = int(input("Enter the quantity: ").strip())
foil = input("Is this card a foil? (yes/no): ").strip().lower() == 'yes'
# Add the card to the CSV file
add_card_to_csv(csv_path, card_name, set_code, collector_number, quantity, foil)
# Download the full card image
download_full_card_image(set_code, collector_number, card_name, foil)
# Sort the CSV file after each entry
if __name__ == "__main__":
csv_path = input("Enter the path to the CSV file: ").strip()