import requests from requests import get from json import loads import pandas as pd import time from shutil import copyfileobj # Load card ID's from CSV df = pd.read_csv('/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/all_cards.csv') df = df[['Scryfall ID']] df.to_csv('/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/scryfall_only.csv', index=False) print("File converted") time.sleep(2) scryfall_ids = "/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/ids.txt" print("Converting 'scryfall_only.csv' to txtfile") time.sleep(2) with open(scryfall_ids, 'a') as f: df_string = df.to_string(header=False, index=False) f.write(df_string) print("Starting Loop") time.sleep(2) file1 = open(scryfall_ids, 'r') count = 0 for line in file1: time.sleep(0.25) count += 1 # Load the card data from Scryfall card_info = loads(get(f""+line.strip()).text) special_characters=["$", "'","`","%","&","(",")",",",":","?","!","@",",",".","*","-","/","//"] mtg_name = card_info['name'] mtg_set = card_info["set"] for i in special_characters: cName = mtg_name.replace(i,"") cName = cName.replace(" ", "") try: mtg_img = card_info['image_uris']['normal'] except: mtg_img = card_info['card_faces'][0]['image_uris']['normal'] with open('/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/images/multi/'+cName+'.jpg', 'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(get(mtg_img, stream = True).raw, out_file) mtg_img2 = card_info['card_faces'][1]['image_uris']['normal'] with open('/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/images/multi/backs/'+cName+'.jpg', 'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(get(mtg_img2, stream = True).raw, out_file) else: if mtg_name == "Island" or "Moutain" or "Swamp" or "Plains" or "Forest": with open('/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/images/land/'+cName+"."+mtg_set+'.jpg', 'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(get(mtg_img, stream = True).raw, out_file) else: with open('/home/cfultz/Code/MTG/images/single/'+cName+'.jpg', 'wb') as out_file: copyfileobj(get(mtg_img, stream = True).raw, out_file) print("Done!") time.sleep(5)